Working with the 6Cs in the ELT Classroom
Nowadays, we have become so much more than mere language teachers.
We have been enthrusted with the priviledge of preparing our students to become the future citizens of tomorrow.
This implies teaching them life skills like self-knowledge, organisational, effective time management and teamwork skills.
In this session, we will be taking a look at how we can tweak the coursebook to take learning English to the next level by teaching the 6C’s and engaging students to become the active citizens of tomorrow.
Come along for a few good practical ideas to take into your classroom.
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Vanessa Reis Esteves
Vanessa Reis has been a passionate EFL teacher for the past 28 years and counting. She has taught English language learners from the ages of 3 to 60+. She currently teaches at Escola Superior de Educação in Porto, Portugal, where she teaches English language, literature and various subjects related to the methodology & didactics of teaching English. Vanessa divides her time between writing coursebooks, giving teacher training sessions around the world, teaching English and completing her Doctorate degree in the field of coursebook design, which is one of her many interests.